Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not exactly what I was imagining

One of the things I have been looking forward to most about having two kids is the joint bathtime. How cute is it to have two sudsy, smiling kids splashing in the bathtub?

Oh, it's cute alright, I can testify to that personally now. Cute, that is, until your 1-year-old (almost!) discovers a new "toy" that just happens to be attached to her brother. In his underwear region, if you know what I mean.

And, scene. Bathtime over. She's a persistent little stinker, that one.


  1. LOL! I guess in that respect we are lucky to have two boys--they're too busy checking out their own to look at the other one's!

  2. Oh my - that is too funny! Thanks for the morning laugh.

  3. Ha! N&A were "interested" in each other's parts for a long time. They would poke each other and giggle. I never thought about it happening with differently aged kids though!

  4. OMG!! That is hysterical!! DS2 didn't discover that DS1 had one too, just thought it would be funny to try and BITE it! We caught him before the deed was done. Crazy! But now our two little stinkers routinely bathe together...fun and splashes all around.

  5. Penny tends to ignore Ned's but sometimes she does get interested. We distract her by instructing her to "wash" Ned (she rubs his head or washes his arm/back).

  6. OMG that is so funny. Given all that could happen in the tub like floating turds, perhaps that isn't so bad....good luck with bath time and hope this new habit doesn't result in separate bathing routines!!

  7. Ha! Glad to know I'm not alone on this one! Becca has made a grab for Josh's bits in the tub a few times. She thinks it's funny. Him, not so much.
