Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hello Again

Nearly forgot my login, it's been so long. Sorry, wasn't planning a blogcation, but got a bit swept up in work and Christmas preparations. To ease back in, I give you an entirely photo-based post. And by "post," I mean "no substance whatsoever beyond the actual photographs." Yeah, it's late, I'm tired, so no captions. I will say that the photos draw from the following events/activities: Thanksgiving with my parents, celebrating my dad's 60th birthday, child labor, "Captain Christmas," decorating the house for Christmas, baking and frosting 7 dozen cookies, and other random photos. Enjoy! Will try to be back soon with something a bit more substantial!


  1. LOVE your cookies! My sister found these online over the weekend...also clever!

  2. Beautiful pictures. . .thank you! And, I'm hoping to get a few of those cookies!. . .love to you all, Mimi
