Exhibit A: Cheerios - You Always Hurt The Ones You Love
Exhibit B: Orderly Kitchens Are Not Her Thing
Lucy pulls all the books out of the bookshelves, she yanks the mail and school papers, piece by piece, off of the coffee table and onto the floor. She runs her hand in a crazed "wax on, wax off" pattern across her highchair tray, creating food projectiles that reach beyond the TWO splat mats we have, to the white walls, the cream-colored carpeting. She pulls folded laundry out of the basket, and unrolls the toilet paper every chance she gets. She has a preference for chewing on shoes and socks which, while not messy per se, is gross and odd.
She does all this, and then giggles when we tell her no, when we shout "stop!". Then, as we turn around to assess the damage and initiate reconstruction efforts, she takes off for the 8 miles of staircases we have in our house, giggling once more as she attempts to break her neck and/or give us heart attacks.
It is exhausting, exasperating, and great fun to watch. But mostly exhausting:
Hee! Sounds like Ned but she looks like Penny when she's sleeping. I wonder if this means Lucy will tantrum like Ned does. For your sake I hope that is not the case.
ReplyDeleteWe have finally starting shutting the bathroom doors to avoid the unrolling of toilet paper. We also give Cameron her Cheerios in a snack cup which works really well and minimizes the number of Cheerios that end up on the floor. Aren't you glad you have a cleaning service???
ReplyDeleteI remember those days! She is precious.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I am not looking forward to re-visiting that stage with #2. Lucy sure is cute though!
ReplyDeleteI almost peed my pants imagining the wax on wax off highchair saga!!! So funny. Well, if this is how it is now, I cannot wait for the stories when the tornado is fully on the run!
ReplyDeleteJust wait until she is a teenager!!!