In the last 7 days, I have:
- Wiped gooey eye gunk from a child's eyes.
- Scraped crusty eye gunk from a child's eyelashes.
- Cleaned up liquid-y vomit from the front hall.
- Washed vomit and poop off of two outfits.
- Cleaned up chunky vomit from a pillowcase.
- Cleaned up chunky vomit from a changing pad cover.
- Thrown away a pillow covered in vomit.
- Given a child a bath to clean off.. yup, vomit.
- Given a child a bath to clean off diarrhea.
- Changed several diarrhea-filled diapers.
- Washed diarrhea from two chair covers and a blanket.
- Poked my finger in a (thankfully clean) diaper to check for more diarrhea.
- Cleaned a puddle of pee on the bathroom floor.
Isn't parenthood glamorous?
All of the above bodily fluids came from Lucy. The poor thing came down with pink eye late last week. We avoided eye drops because she was also fortunate enough (?) to get diagnosed with an ear infection at the same time. Oral antibiotics it was! She was home most of Thursday and all of Friday with me. This Tuesday, she came down with a stomach bug. Which (likely in part thanks to the antibiotics) quickly turned into a puking-and-pooping variety stomach bug. M. stayed home with her yesterday and changed many of those diarrhea diapers. I say this to show you that he is no stranger to dealing with his children's bodily fluids. However, he could not get over the idea that I stuck my finger in Lucy's diaper to see if it needed to be changed. I ask you - how else was I supposed to do it? Lucy was asleep in her crib in a dark room. I couldn't see, couldn't smell anything, didn't want to wake her, and couldn't reach far enough into the crib to pull her pants down and check through the sides of her diaper (dude, I am short!). So I stuck my finger in to feel around. What was the worst that could happen? I'd get a fingerful of poop? Ha! Not a problem for this chick. A little poop on the finger is NOTHING when you've been puked on the number of times I have been puked on. All in a day's work. Oh, and thank god for Oxy Clean!
So, in between illnesses, I did my best to take some pictures of the kids for your viewing enjoyment. I must preface the photos with this background:
Lately we've been bringing Finn's backpack to and from school every day to make it easier to cart home the boatloads of artwork he produces every day, and the occasional sheet of homework that needs to be prevented from being crushed or lost, and subsequently completed and returned. Naturally, this has sparked Lucy's interest in backpacks, and last week she conned me in to buying one for her. She's had it for less than a week, and is completely obsessed with it:
Just found your blog from Goddess in Progress. You got some great pics this week despite the sickness going around. A mothers job sure isn't glamorous- I 've had more childrens boduly fluids on me than I care to remember too this winter!